Stoicism views external events as neutral and believes that individuals should not be affected by them. According to the Stoic philosophy, what truly matters is not external events, but the way individuals react to those events. Here are some aspects of Stoicism on external events:

1) Acceptance: The Stoics believe that individuals should accept what happens in life, regardless of whether it is good or bad. By accepting what happens, individuals can avoid negative emotions and maintain a sense of inner peace.

2) Focus on what you can control: The Stoics believe that individuals should focus on what they can control and not worry about what they cannot control. By focusing on what they can control, individuals can avoid negative emotions and maintain a sense of inner peace.

3) Emotional detachment: The Stoics believe that individuals should strive to be emotionally detached from external events and not let their emotions be controlled by external events. By being emotionally detached, individuals can avoid negative emotions and maintain a sense of inner peace.

4) Responsibility: The Stoics believe that individuals are responsible for their own thoughts, emotions, and reactions, and that external events do not determine their happiness. By accepting responsibility for their own thoughts and emotions, individuals can avoid negative emotions and maintain a sense of inner peace.

5) Virtue: The Stoics believe that virtue, or living a virtuous life, is the path to happiness, and that this is independent of external events. By living a virtuous life, individuals can avoid negative emotions and maintain a sense of inner peace.

The Stoic philosophy views external events as neutral and encourages individuals to focus on what they can control, accept what happens, strive for emotional detachment, accept responsibility for their thoughts and emotions, and live a virtuous life in order to maintain a sense of inner peace and happiness.

Concluding Remarks…

One of the key features of Stoic philosophy is its emphasis on accepting external events. 

Stoicism teaches that external events are outside of our control and that we should focus our energy on what is within our control. This means that we should not worry about things that we cannot change, but instead focus on our reactions to them. According to the Stoics, our reactions to external events are within our control, and we can choose to react in a way that is consistent with our values and goals.

Stoicism views external events as neither good nor bad in themselves. Instead, it is our perceptions and judgments of these events that determine their value. For example, the loss of a job or a loved one may be seen as a negative event, but it is our reaction to that event that determines its significance. By accepting external events as they are and focusing on our reactions to them, we can develop a sense of resilience and inner strength that allows us to face challenges with greater ease.

One of the benefits of Stoic philosophy is that it encourages us to take responsibility for our own reactions and emotions. Instead of blaming external events for our emotional state, we are encouraged to take ownership of our emotions and to respond to them in a way that is consistent with our values and goals. This can lead to a greater sense of control over our lives and a greater sense of satisfaction with our choices.

Stoicism also encourages us to focus on the present moment and to let go of worries about the future or regrets about the past. By accepting external events as they are and focusing on our reactions to them in the present moment, we can develop a greater sense of clarity and calm. This can be especially valuable in a world that is often chaotic and unpredictable.

In conclusion, Stoicism views external events as outside of our control, and emphasizes the importance of accepting them as they are. By focusing on our reactions to these events and taking ownership of our emotions, we can develop a greater sense of resilience and inner strength. This philosophy encourages us to focus on the present moment and let go of worries about the future or regrets about the past. By adopting a Stoic perspective, we can develop a more positive and fulfilling outlook on life.